
Using the library is a great financial decision

Everything you check out from the Charles Town Library not only entertains or informs, it also is a great boon to your financial health.

Here are the basics:
– we do not charge for a library card,
– we do not charge late fees, and
– we do not charge for the use of hoopla, our digital service which provides free access to more than a million audiobooks, e-books, movies, TV shows and musical choices.

Also, everything available in the Charles Town Library is ad-free. As every streaming service is now boosting their costs to have a commercial-free experience, you have always, and will always, be free from annoying advertisements in our books, movies and music.

Some of our more frequent users at the library are saving more than $5,000 per year on book checkouts alone. We have several families who have benefited for years as they check out hundreds and hundreds of children’s, young adult and adult books. Each book that we purchase costs between $20 and $50. If you subscribe to our weekly newsletter, 3 Things, you have seen that we add new books every week.

Albert Einstein said, “The only thing you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.” Of course, he was talking about the thousands of resources available on the shelf, but his idea could also mean that all people in a community have equal and free access to ideas, inspirations, entertainment and history.

Our doors are open to all residents of Jefferson County. Anyone who lives or works full-time in the county can get a free library card which also allows free access to our Jefferson County Museum, one of the great historic resources in this region.

The library is a great example of “the more you read, the more you save,” but you also gain something money could never buy. All the reading, watching and listening, helps to builds your awareness and curiosity about, and enjoyment of, the world.

And that is priceless.

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