
Does the Charles Town Library provide wireless (Wi-Fi) access to the internet?
Wi-Fi computer networking technology allows computers and wireless enabled mobile devices to send and receive data via a wireless network. If your computer or mobile device is Wi-Fi enabled, you can connect to the Internet wirelessly at the Charles Town Library.

Is there an access fee?
No, the Charles Town Library provides this service free of charge. Patrons must have their own equipment, wireless card (or capability), and software.

What equipment do I need?
You need a laptop or other wireless enabled mobile device equipped with a standard Internet browser and a Wi-Fi compliant (802.11b/g) wireless ethernet card. When this capability is active, the operating system will alert the user to the presence of a wireless network.

How do I connect to the network?
Ask at the Circulation Desk for the password to access the internet.

Where do I go for help if I’m having a problem connecting?
Library staff can give the basic instructions for connecting to the wireless network. However, Library staff is not permitted to handle your laptop or other wireless device. For more complex issues relating to your Wi-Fi card and its configuration software, consult your owner’s manual or the device’s customer support.

Is wireless Internet access at the Charles Town Library filtered or unfiltered?
Wireless Internet access is unfiltered.

Is the network secure?
The Charles Town Library’s wireless access is as secure as any open public access network. It is always a good idea to make sure you are on an SSL-encrypted webpage prior to sending or receiving confidential data

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